Monday, July 9, 2012

Instrumentation Engineering - A Skill in Demand

Opportunities Abroad

Australia & New-Zealand - Skilled Migration

Instrumentation Engineering is a special branch of Electronics Engineering. In this electronic hardware is used through control and monitoring system (using computers) to control the plant operations.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Living Cost for Students in Australia

Living Cost Requirement for Australian Student Visa to Increase

The Australian Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) will increase the funds required for prospective student visa applicants to demonstrate their ability to meet living costs in Australia.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Labour Shortage in Canada - Improved Procedure of Temporary Foreign Workers (TFW) Program

 Temporary Foreign Workers (TFW) Program

Canada Opportunities

Now, Canadian Businesses are in for a treat, when recruiting Temporary Foreign Workers (TFW) to quickly fill their labour market needs, with the introduction of the Accelerated Labour Market Opinion initiative by HRSDC.
In most cases, Canadian businesses need a permission before their selected foreign workers can start working in Canada. There are 2 types of permissions required
1. Labour Market Opinion (LMO) issued by HRSDC for the Canadian business, 
2. A Work Permit issued by the Citizenship & Immigration Canada (CIC) to the foreign worker. The Work permit
   application, in most cases cannot be made without LMO.

Australia's new points system "SkillSelect" for Skilled Migration

Australia Opportunities

Australia is the fastest growing economy. All major economies in the world are slowing down and businesses are getting affected by US recession in last few years, Australian economy is seems to be unaffected by ill effects of slow down. Strength of Australian dollar is increasing day by day. Immigration policy of Australia is the major reason for the success story, which their government understand very well. This is the reason why Australian government has relaxed their immigration procedure this year against the odds of tightening it. Have a look on it-